I woke up today much better rested and feeling more myself than I have in a few days at least...I am entering the homestretch now, so time passes a little more slowly, but the end is in sight and gets nearer everyday. When I leave here I will have five weeks of freedom...freedom from work obligations, freedom from deadlines, freedom from client demands...sounds like five weeks of Heaven. I just learned that I will be able to attend my daughter's Father-Daughter Dance for her girl scout troop due to a slight change in my travel arrangements, so I must say that I am even more looking forward to this upcoming break...it is the little events like that one that I can't stand to miss. I was so happy and grateful to have unexpectedly gotten the Holidays off, as I was able to see her ballet performance...we were so nervous about whether she would be able to perform (she has terrible, paralyzing stage fright sometimes) and then she just went out there and DID it! I was so proud of her and so happy for her!
Well, as I can now grasp that the hitch's end is near I can begin to really focus on life after Iraq...after this hitch at least, as I will be spending four or five hitches here in total, I think. So, I think that I will spend tonight daydreaming a bit about what sorts of things I may do over the five weeks that I will be home. I know that the first weekend will be spend home, taking my daughter to her dance, spending time with Erin, and visiting with friends that I haven't seen in quite some time. I also plan to drive a lot...how American is it of me that I miss driving so much - I miss my Jeep. I can't wait to get behind the wheel, put my hand on the stick shift, my foot on the clutch, and GO! I will have to find some place to put it in four-wheel drive just because I miss it so much. The next weekend will be spent out of town in New Orleans...I won't share our plans for the weekend except to say that we are going to my favorite restaurant in the city...YES! And that sums up my definite plans for the break...I have a basic plan to go to Enchanted Rock to camp for a weekend, but I need to get that one finalized. So, that is three weekends out of five accounted for, and none of my weeks...what should I do?!
Ah...Enchanted Rock. I haven't been yet, but I am excited - hopefully the kids can come on this one |
I know that for at least a few days I need to be in New Orleans to help my dad and to visit with my family there, so I need to place that on the list of things to do. Let's call one of my weeks now covered...that leaves four for just hanging out and perhaps a trip somewhere exciting. If I were to leave on a Sunday night and return for Saturday, that would give me five days for getting there and doing whatever it was that I decide to do...many grand adventures could be had with five days, and let's face it...I have time...I could make it a touch longer. But towards the end of last year I went to Colorado and New Mexico for five days and had a great time...so a lot can be done with even this limited amount of time.
I am vaguely considering a trip to the Guadalupe Mountains and Carlsbad Cavern, it would easily fit into the available time. It is close enough to Houston to make the drive there and back in one day (though a very long day). I have been to both National Parks before, but it has been many years, and I wouldn't mind seeing them again. The tallest mountain in Texas is in the Guadalupe Mountains (it is called Guadalupe Peak, in fact), so I could tick it off while was there. they have some really cool fossils in the rocks there as well, as the Guadalupe Mountains themselves are actually an upthrust Permian reef complex. They have some reasonable backpacking in the park, and some historic houses which belonged to the geologist who donated the McKittrick Canyon to the U.S. Government to act as the heart of the park. The canyon itself has been called the "best hike in Texas", and it is a draw in September and October as the leaves change color.
Capitan Reef is the most distinctive geologic feature in the park |
McKittrick Canyon, I believe |
Up in Carlsbad Caverns they have some spelunking trips that I have always wanted to do but haven't had time for before, so perhaps I will give that plan a shot as well. Interestingly, in the three or four times I have been to Carlsbad Cavern NP I have never actually stayed for the bat show, which is supposed to be one of the most impressive anywhere. Millions of bats exit the cave every night to feed, and from the people that I know who have seen it, it is impressive to say the least.
Well, it is already after midnight here, so I am going to go ahead and post this entry. Good night.
Enchanted Rock is a lot of fun!