So, I went out into the field again today. The Chief Observer, Neil, took me and Bogdan out to see the areas of the survey that we are currently shooting and will be shooting over the next few weeks. It was a nice afternoon of driving about. It was hot, of course, but it is always a bit of a joy to get out of the camp for a few hours and see a little bit of the country that I have spent so much time in but have seen so little of. We were able to drive through two villages today, so I got to take more pictures of the houses and living environments of the so-called Marsh Arabs who reside in this part of Iraq.
The villages that I have seen are handsome enough, certainly they aren't modern, but they are full of garbage...the villages here tend to be located near major water sources and are cut through with canals, but the canals are often simply choked with trash. There is nothing so sad as watching a woman drawing water out of a canal where she is having to push garbage out of the way to get her bucket into it, and seeing the livestock swimming in the same water really makes a statement about how rare good, clean, and reliable water is in the underdeveloped parts of the world. It reminded me a bit of Port Au Prince, Haiti, to be honest.
This was a can see the armor plating on the door was hit with armor piercing rounds and then blown up which landed it on its top...all of the bullet proof glass is melted around it...evidence of the violence that has plagued Iraq for so long |
Finally...a picture of one of the ruined tanks!! It may be hard to tell, but that IS a tank! |
Village canal...this is one of the few that wasn't choked with floating garbage...I love the boats |
Date palms just ouside one of the little villages |
This was once a very cool building in this little village...fallen into disrepair these days |
As with everywhere in these part...oil works are almost always visible, particularly the gas flares |
These guys are net-fishing outside of their village |
These boys chased the truck for quite a while |
A little greenery breaks the desert monotony |
On the whole though, the field trip was very good...there were far more people out today than the last time I went out, and the population here away from the camp seems quite friendly. We were greeted always with waves and smiles...the kids here are adorable. They always beam at you and wave; innocence has not yet been lost to them, and I hope that with the increasing exposure to people from outside Iraq and continued improvements in the basic infrastructure of the country they will never have to live through the hard times, oppression, and warfare that their parents had to endure. I may be accused of being paternalistic or of viewing everything through the lens of an American abroad by some of my more liberal friends, but I just want everyone to have the chance to live a safe, healthy, and secure life, whatever that means in their country and culture.
Well, that was my day in the was a rare and enjoyable day for Iraq. I was very glad to have had another opportunity to get outside of the walls and see some more of the countryside. One day, when the country has settled back into a relatively safe place, I hope to come back and see far more. So much of the history of mankind took place here, so it is sad that those treasures of history are unavailable to see and experience. Perhaps, one day...
Speaking of enjoyable things...did you know that I bought a motorcycle while I was last home? If you didn't, then now you do! I LOVE is so much fun to ride, though I am still taking it very easy as I am not a very experienced rider yet, and I didn't buy it to die on it. I bought it because it gets amazing gas mileage and will help me save a lot of money on gas and mileage on my Jeep while I am in town. Plus, of course, it is FUN to ride. I bought a 2012 Triumph Bonneville is beautiful, I think. I still have a lot of experience to gain, but I am looking forward to riding it much more the next time that I am home. Before anyone comments on the safety aspects of riding a motorcycle, again let me say, I didn't buy it do die on it, and I assure you all that I will wear a helmet, and jacket, and gloves at all times on the motorways and will stay off of the interstates on it, generally speaking.
So much fun to ride...and so nice to look at! |
Well, I suppose that is what I have to share for now. We are about to be back on standby out here again, so I am not looking forward to more days with nothing to do. Bye for now...
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